"Courageous Conversations About Education" - 'Ask A Teacher'
Send your summer 'fun-learning' pics, videos, poems, essays, etc., to: courageousconversations10@hotmail.com
Students at any age, birth through adulthood, deserve opportunities - opportunities afforded to them by a high-quality school experience that prepares them for advancement in the global 21st century workforce and entrepreneurial society. Without access to quality early education and well-supported schools and communities, African American students are prevented from reaching their full potential and engaging in America's promise of opportunity. Furthermore, practices that are successful in overcoming these challenges are not highlighted and shared enough. In order to ensure that African American educational excellence is a normal, everyday experience and not a singular occurrence, we must acknowledge and uplift our triumphs as well as continue to find new and effective ways to move forward.
The Learning Academy for Urban Leaders, Inc., (L.A.F.U.L.), Charter Schools is a proposed charter school designed to operate in urban communities.
To provide urban children, their family members, and community members who live in socially and economically debilitated areas, an educational "hub" environment, complete with a healthy lifestyle community garden, and with additional resources and support systems that enable them to achieve excellent academic and social skills. Our vision is girded by our commitment to the achievement of excellence and equity not only relative to state curriculum and assessment standards, but also to prepare students for leadership positions as they progress through life.
To educate students such that they reach adulthood educated and committed to democratic principles and fully prepared to assume leadership positions in the preservation of our democracy. NOTE: Tutoring by certified teachers shall be available for students, grades K-12, in states across the United States. Visit our contact page to contact us.